""" Development menu for the hardware on Raspberry Pi. NOTE: THIS DOES NOTHING ON A COMPUTER! """ import pocket_friends.game_files.game import importlib.util import os import pygame import time from .button_test import button_test from .menus import Menu from ..hardware.gpio_handler import GPIOHandler, Constants try: importlib.util.find_spec('RPi.GPIO') import RPi.GPIO as GPIO except ImportError: import pocket_friends.development.FakeGPIO as GPIO # Global variable to keep track of the current menu. menu = 'main' def run_button_test(): """ Runs the GPIO button test. """ GPIOHandler.teardown() button_test() GPIOHandler.setup() def backlight_test(): """ Turns off the backlight for 5 seconds. """ GPIOHandler.turn_off_backlight() time.sleep(5) GPIOHandler.turn_on_backlight() def clear_screen(): """ Clears the screen. """ print("\n" * 20) def start_game(): """ Cleans the GPIO and starts the hardware. """ GPIOHandler.teardown() pocket_friends.game_files.game.main() pygame.quit() GPIOHandler.setup() def quit_menu(): """ Quits the menu. """ exit(0) def quit_with_error(): """ Quits the menu with error code 2. """ exit(2) def change_menu(new_menu): """ Changes the global menu variable for the dev menu :param new_menu: the menu to change to """ global menu menu = new_menu clear_screen() print('...') time.sleep(0.75) def shutdown(): """ Shuts down the linux system. """ os.system('sudo shutdown now') def restart(): """ Restarts the linux system. """ os.system('sudo reboot') def main(): """ Starts the dev menu. """ # The following defines all of the options in the various different menus. main_menu = Menu('Pocket Friends Dev Menu') main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Start Game', start_game)) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Button Test', run_button_test)) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Backlight Test', backlight_test)) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Restart Dev Menu', quit_with_error)) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Shutdown Pi', change_menu, 'shutdown')) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Restart Pi', change_menu, 'restart')) main_menu.add_option(Menu.Option('Quit Dev Menu', change_menu, 'quit')) shutdown_confirm = Menu('Are you sure you want to shutdown?') shutdown_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('No', change_menu, 'main')) shutdown_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('Yes', shutdown)) restart_confirm = Menu('Are you sure you want to restart?') restart_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('No', change_menu, 'main')) restart_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('Yes', restart)) quit_confirm = Menu('Are you sure you want to exit?') quit_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('No', change_menu, 'main')) quit_confirm.add_option(Menu.Option('Yes', quit_menu)) GPIOHandler.setup() def menu_handler(current_menu): """ Draws the menu and handles the GPIO inputs :param current_menu: the current menu being drawn on the screen """ current_menu.draw_menu() while True: # Main GPIO input loop # Limits how often the program checks for a GPIO input. Eases CPU usage. time.sleep(0.125) if GPIOHandler.get_press(Constants.buttons.get('j_d')): current_menu.select_next() break if GPIOHandler.get_press(Constants.buttons.get('j_u')): current_menu.select_prev() break if GPIOHandler.get_press(Constants.buttons.get('a')): current_menu.run_selection() break while True: # Loop for drawing the menus. while menu == 'main': menu_handler(main_menu) while menu == 'shutdown': menu_handler(shutdown_confirm) while menu == 'restart': menu_handler(restart_confirm) while menu == 'quit': menu_handler(quit_confirm)