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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Networking client to connect to a server and find server hosts
import ipaddress
import random
import psutil
import socket
class InterfaceInfo:
Class used for storing interface information to make it easier to use
def __init__(self, interface_name, network):
self.interface_name = interface_name = network
def __str__(self):
return 'Interface:{0}, Network:{1}'.format(self.interface_name,
def __repr__(self):
return '(Interface:{0}, Network:{1})'.format(self.interface_name,
def request_server_info(server_ip, server_port):
Request server info from a PyPong server given an IP and a port
:param server_ip: Server IP to request info from
:param server_port: Port to connect to server on
:return: response given by server (or lack thereof)
udp_client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Timeout is set to SCAN_TIMEOUT plus a random number between 0 and SCAN_TIMEOUT so that threads can
# start asynchronously to avoid a lot of requests being sent to machines at once
# Average time is SCAN_TIMEOUT*1.5
udp_client_socket.settimeout(SCAN_TIMEOUT + (SCAN_TIMEOUT * random.random()))
udp_client_socket.sendto(str.encode(request, 'UTF-8'), (server_ip, server_port))
except OSError:
server_response = udp_client_socket.recvfrom(SERVER_BUFFER)[0].decode('UTF-8')
except TimeoutError:
server_response = '{0};TIMEOUT'.format(server_ip)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
server_response = '{0};MANGLED_RESPONSE'.format(server_ip)
return server_response
def get_interface_info():
Gets information using psutil about the current machine's interfaces and their networks. This only works for IPv4
networks and will not return any data in regard to IPv6 links.
:return: List of InterfaceInfo objects containing information about all interfaces on the current machine excluding
the loopback interface (lo or
raw_interface_data = psutil.net_if_addrs()
interface_data = []
for interface in raw_interface_data:
# Extract needed information from psutil and put it into a InterfaceInfo object
address = (raw_interface_data.get(interface)[0]).address
cidr_suffix = ipaddress.IPv4Network('{0}/{1}'.format(address, raw_interface_data.get(interface)[0].netmask),
# Do not add the loopback interface or IPv6 interfaces
if ':' not in address and address != '':
interface_data.append(InterfaceInfo(interface, '{0}/{1}'.format(address, cidr_suffix)))
return interface_data
def get_ips_from_network(network):
Generate a list of IP addresses given an address in CIDR notation. This works from smallest to largest, meaning that
it builds a list starting at <ADDRESS>/32 (aka just the current machine) decrementing the CIDR by 1 until the
correct subnet is reached.
:param network:
network_split = network.split('/')
address = network_split[0]
cidr = int(network_split[1])
all_addresses = []
test_cidr = 32 # Start with the machine itself
while test_cidr >= cidr:
# Generate all addresses inside the current subnet given by 'address/test_cidr'
current_addresses = [str(ip) for ip in ipaddress.IPv4Network('{0}/{1}'.format(address, test_cidr),
# Do not add the address again if it is already in the list of all addresses
for test_address in current_addresses:
if test_address not in all_addresses:
test_cidr -= 1
return all_addresses
def check_ip(ip_address):
Check a single IP address for a running game server
:param ip_address: IP address to check
:return: response of the server (or timeout if none)
response = request_server_info(ip_address, SERVER_PORT)
return response

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@ -2,19 +2,29 @@
Starting launcher of the game. This is where you host new games or join other ones.
import tkinter as tk
import concurrent.futures
import pypong.networking.client as client
global running
# Don't allow any more than this number of threads when looking for games
# Can cripple a network at high numbers, 128 is recommended (can scan a /24 network in ~9 seconds on average)
# Higher range subnets will exponentially take more time to finish (/16 would take ~38.4 minutes at 128 req/s)
def main():
Runs the game launcher.
# Executor used for scanning local network for servers
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_SCAN_REQUESTS)
main_window = tk.Tk()
main_window.title('PynPong Launcher')
main_window.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def quit_launcher():
@ -22,20 +32,96 @@ def main():
global running
running = False
# Stop executor from creating new scanning tasks
executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True)
def get_games():
def check_game(game_ip):
Refresh the games list.
Checks to see if there is a game bein ghosted at a given IP
:param game_ip: IP address to check for a host
:return: Response from the server (or timeout if nothing found)
result = client.check_ip(game_ip)
return result
def get_games(network):
Refreshes the game list.
:param network: The network to scan for games on
listbox.delete(0, tk.END)
listbox.insert(0, 'Searching for games...')
# Networking code will go here eventually
listbox.insert(0, ' Building IP range...')
possible_ips = client.get_ips_from_network(network.get().split(' ')[0])
listbox.delete(0, tk.END)
listbox.insert(0, 'this might take some time...')
listbox.insert(0, 'Refreshing server listing,')
futures = []
# Use the executor to create threads to search for games
for ip in possible_ips:
future = executor.submit(check_game, ip)
game_found = False
for future in futures:
result = future.result()
if 'PYPONGRST;SVRINFO' in result: # Check to make sure response has the right header and type
raw_response = result.split(';') # Split response by block (denoted by semicolons)
response = []
# Split up each block by chunks (<COMMAND>:<RESPONSE>)
# e.g. the block 'NAME:Nicholas Dyer' -> ['NAME', 'Nicholas Dyer']
for block in raw_response:
chunks = block.split(':')
for chunk in chunks:
# Make sure the response has the NAME command
if 'NAME' in response:
# Session name is the next index after the command
session_name = response[response.index('NAME') + 1]
if not game_found: # If this is the first game found, clear out the list
listbox.delete(0, tk.END)
game_found = True
listbox.insert(0, session_name)
main_window.update() # Update screen while finding games (laggy, but works)
if not game_found:
listbox.delete(0, tk.END)
listbox.insert(0, 'No games found!')
def get_addresses():
Get the current machine's local interfaces and their corresponding addresses in CIDR notation
:return: Address in CIDR notation along with the interface
[' [eth0]', [wlan0]']
interface_info = client.get_interface_info()
shortened_info = []
for interface in interface_info:
shortened_info.append('{0} [{1}]'.format(, interface.interface_name))
return shortened_info
# Create the top title label
title_label = tk.Label(text='PynPong Launcher', fg='white', bg='#000040', padx=1, pady=20)
title_label.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
# Create the list of games
global listbox
listbox = tk.Listbox(main_window)
listbox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
# Add scrollbar
@ -49,7 +135,13 @@ def main():
button_frame = tk.Frame(main_window)
tk.Button(button_frame, text='Host a Game', height=3, width=30).pack()
tk.Button(button_frame, text='Join Selected Game', height=3, width=30).pack()
tk.Button(button_frame, text='Refresh Game List', height=2, width=20, command=get_games).pack()
tk.Button(button_frame, text='Refresh Game List', height=2, width=20,
command=lambda: get_games(selected_network)).pack()
networks = get_addresses()
selected_network = tk.StringVar()
interface_menu = tk.OptionMenu(button_frame, selected_network, *networks)
# Set it so that if the X is pressed the application quits

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@ -1,36 +1,25 @@
import psutil
import socket
class InterfaceInfo:
Class used for storing interface information to make it easier to use
def __init__(self, interface_name, address, subnet_mask):
self.interface_name = interface_name
self.address = address
self.subnet_mask = subnet_mask
udp_server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_server_socket.bind((LOCAL_IP, SERVER_PORT))
def __str__(self):
return '(Interface:{0}, Address:{1}, Subnet Mask:{2})'.format(self.interface_name,
self.address, self.subnet_mask)
waiting_for_connection = True
def __repr__(self):
return '(Interface:{0}, Address:{1}, Subnet Mask:{2})'.format(self.interface_name,
self.address, self.subnet_mask)
while waiting_for_connection:
received = udp_server_socket.recvfrom(SERVER_BUFFER)
message = received[0]
address = received[1]
decoded_message = message.decode('UTF-8')
if decoded_message.split(';')[0] != 'PYPONGREQ':
udp_server_socket.sendto(message.encode('UTF-8'), address)
message = 'PYPONGRST;ECHO:{0}'.format(decoded_message)
udp_server_socket.sendto(message.encode('UTF-8'), address)
def main():
raw_interface_data = psutil.net_if_addrs()
interface_data = []
# Extract needed information from psutil and put it into a InterfaceInfo object
for interface in raw_interface_data:
address = (raw_interface_data.get(interface)[0]).address
subnet_mask = (raw_interface_data.get(interface)[0]).netmask
interface_data.append(InterfaceInfo(interface, address, subnet_mask))
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Contains the Packet class to help with the transmission, reading, and verification of infermation over the network
class Packet:
Class that contains information to be sent over the network. Can self-verify and has methods (will have methods) to
easily encode and decode packet information
def __init__(self, header, msg_type, *message):
self.header = header
self.msg_type = msg_type
self.message = []
for x in message:
def integrity_check(self):
Verify that the information in the packet is correct and makes sense
:return: True if packet verifies correctly, False if not
if self.header not in Packet.VALID_HEADERS:
return False
if self.msg_type not in Packet.VALID_TYPES:
return False
return True