
278 lines
11 KiB

import pygame
import json
class SpriteSheet:
Class to be used by sprites in order to give them a texture and an animation.
images (list) List of all the sprites in the animation separated from the sprite sheet.
def __init__(self, sprite_sheet, texture_json):
Creates a sprite sheet given a sprite image and its corresponding JSON file.
sprite_sheet (str): The path of the sprite sheet image component.
texture_json (str): The path of the sprite sheet JSON component, contains the number of frames in the
sprite sheet, and the width and height of an individual sprite from the sprite sheet.
# Load in whole sprite sheet as one image.
sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load(sprite_sheet).convert_alpha()
self.images = []
# Get the sprite sheet json file.
with open(texture_json, 'r') as json_file:
img_attrib = json.load(json_file)
# Count for how many images have been added in the image list
image_count = 0
# Get the sprite size as a tuple
sprite_size = img_attrib['width'], img_attrib['height']
# Iterate through every image location on the sprite sheet given the sprite size
for i in range(sprite_sheet.get_size()[1] // sprite_size[1]):
i *= sprite_size[1]
for j in range(sprite_sheet.get_size()[0] // sprite_size[0]):
j *= sprite_size[0]
# Create a new transparent surface
sprite = pygame.Surface(sprite_size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
# Blit the sprite onto the image
sprite.blit(sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (j, i, sprite_size[0], sprite_size[1]))
# Add the image to the list of images
image_count += 1
# Break the loop if the specified number of frames has been reached.
if image_count >= img_attrib['frames']:
if image_count >= img_attrib['frames']:
class SelectionEgg(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
Sprite to render the egg on the egg selection screen.
egg_color (str): The color of the egg (also its name).
description (str): The description of the egg to be displayed when selected.
contentedness (int): How likely the egg is to stay happy, ranges from 0-5.
metabolism (int): How quickly the egg will get hungry, ranges from 0-5.
rect (pygame.Rect): Pygame rectangle used to position the egg on screen.
def __init__(self, egg_color, resources_dir):
Creates a SelectionEgg object given an egg color and a resource location.
egg_color (str): The color egg that should be rendered.
resources_dir (str): The path of the resources directory.
self.egg_color = egg_color
# Loads the JSON file of the egg to read in data.
with open(resources_dir + '/data/bloop_info/{0}.json'.format(egg_color), 'r') as save_file:
json_file = json.load(save_file)
# Gets the description off the egg from the JSON file.
self.description = json_file.get('description')
self.contentedness = json_file.get('contentedness')
self.metabolism = json_file.get('metabolism')
# Load the egg from the given color and get the bounding rectangle for the image.
sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet(resources_dir + '/images/bloops/{0}/egg.png'.format(self.egg_color),
resources_dir + '/images/bloops/{0}/egg.json'.format(self.egg_color))
self._images = sprite_sheet.images
# Get the rectangle from the first image in the list
self.rect = self._images[0].get_rect()
self._index = 0
self.image = self._images[self._index]
def update(self):
Update the sprite to the next animation frame.
# Animate the sprite
self._index = (self._index + 1) % len(self._images)
self.image = self._images[self._index]
class InfoText:
Class for drawing large amounts of text on the screen at a time
def __init__(self, resources_dir, game_res, text='Test text.'):
Creates an InfoText object to be used on a surface.
resources_dir (str): The full path of the game's resources directory
game_res (int): The internal resolution of the game. Used for correct scaling.
text (:obj:`str`, optional): The given text to render. Defaults to "Test text."'
self.font = pygame.font.Font(resources_dir + '/fonts/5Pts5.ttf', 10)
self.text = [] # Text broken up into a list according to how it will fit on screen.
self.max_lines = 6 # Max number of lines to be shown on screen at a time.
self.offset = 0
self.game_res = game_res
# Arrow icons to indicate scrolling
self.up_arrow = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/up_arrow.png').convert_alpha()
self.down_arrow = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/down_arrow.png').convert_alpha()
raw_text = text # Copy the text to a different variable to be cut up.
margins = 4.5
max_line_width = self.game_res - (margins * 2) # The maximum pixel width that drawn text can be.
cut_chars = '.,! ' # Characters that will be considered "cuts" aka when a line break can occur.
# Prevents freezing if the end of the string does not end in a cut character
# Will fix eventually more elegantly
if raw_text[-1:] not in cut_chars:
raw_text += ' '
# Calculating line breaks.
while len(raw_text) > 0:
index = 0
test_text = '' # Chunk of text to pseudo-render and test the width of.
# Loops until the testing text has reached the size limit.
while True:
# Break if the current index is larger than the remaining text.
if index + 1 > len(raw_text):
index -= 1
# Add one character to the testing text from the raw text.
test_text += raw_text[index]
# Get the width of the pseudo-rendered text.
text_width = self.font.size(test_text)[0]
# Break if the text is larger than the defined max width.
if text_width > max_line_width:
index += 1
# Gets the chunk of text to be added to the list.
text_chunk = raw_text[0:index + 1]
# Determines if the chunk of text has any break characters.
has_breaks = any(cut_chars in text_chunk for cut_chars in cut_chars)
# If the text has break characters, start with the last character and go backwards until
# one has been found, decreasing the index each time.
if has_breaks:
while raw_text[index] not in cut_chars:
index -= 1
text_chunk = raw_text[0:index + 1]
# If there are no break characters in the chunk, simply decrease the index by one and insert
# a dash at the end of the line to indicate the word continues.
index -= 1
text_chunk = raw_text[0:index + 1]
text_chunk += '-'
# Append the text chunk to the list of text to draw.
# Cut the text to repeat the process with the new cut string.
raw_text = raw_text[index + 1:]
def draw(self, surface):
Draw the text on a given surface.
surface (:obj:`pygame.Surface`): The surface to draw the text on
# Constants to help draw the text
line_separation = 7
left_margin = 3
top_margin = 25
bottom_margin = 10
# Draw the lines on the screen
for i in range(min(len(self.text), self.max_lines)):
text = self.font.render(self.text[i + self.offset], False, (64, 64, 64))
surface.blit(text, (left_margin, top_margin + (i * line_separation)))
# Draw the arrows if there is more text than is on screen.
if self.offset != 0:
surface.blit(self.up_arrow, ((self.game_res / 2) - (self.up_arrow.get_rect().width / 2), top_margin - 3))
if len(self.text) - (self.offset + 1) >= self.max_lines:
((self.game_res / 2) - (self.down_arrow.get_rect().width / 2), self.game_res - bottom_margin))
def scroll_down(self):
Scrolls the text on the screen down.
# Ensures that the offset cannot be too big as to try to render non-existent lines.
if len(self.text) - (self.offset + 1) >= self.max_lines:
self.offset += 1
def scroll_up(self):
Scrolls the text on the screen up.
if self.offset > 0: # Ensures a non-zero offset is not possible.
self.offset -= 1
class EggInfo:
Class to draw the contentedness and metabolism value off the egg on the info screen.
def __init__(self, resources_dir, contentedness, metabolism, location):
self.contentedness = contentedness
self.metabolism = metabolism
self.x = location[0]
self.y = location[1]
# Create a new surface to blit onto the other surface
self.surface = pygame.Surface((44, 15), pygame.SRCALPHA)
# Blit the two indicator icons on screen
smiley = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/smiley.png').convert_alpha()
self.surface.blit(smiley, (0, 0))
apple = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/apple.png').convert_alpha()
self.surface.blit(apple, (1, 9))
# Draw 5 stars. If the value of the contentedness is less than the current star, make it a blank star.
for i in range(5):
if i < self.contentedness:
star = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/star.png').convert_alpha()
star = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/blank_star.png').convert_alpha()
self.surface.blit(star, (11 + (i * 6), 1))
# Draw 5 stars. If the value of the metabolism is less than the current star, make it a blank star.
for i in range(5):
if i < self.metabolism:
star = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/star.png').convert_alpha()
star = pygame.image.load(resources_dir + '/images/gui/blank_star.png').convert_alpha()
self.surface.blit(star, (11 + (i * 6), 10))
def draw(self, surface):
Draw the info icons on a given surface.
surface (:obj:`pygame.Surface`): The surface to draw the text on
# Blit the info onto the given surface.
surface.blit(self.surface, (self.x, self.y))